Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Photography On The Road


Most people know that I am a photographer.

 What you might not know is that I am also a Transit Bus Driver.
(Original blog can be found here: with other images as well.)
 Some of my best ideas come from the roads that I travel, sometimes in upwards of 300 miles a day. My day starts at 4 am on most days when most people are still snuggled under their covers. By 5:15 or 5:20 am I am on the road to pick up passengers. Presently, my mornings start in complete darkness with the occasional fog. I am often graced with seeing the sunrise as I go through my mornings and later in the year I also get to see the sunset. 
 You might ask what any of this has to do with my work as a photographer. Here goes: My run in the morning goes till 8:30 Am and I am off till 13:45 (1:45 PM). In that time I have a most wonderful break. Typically I grab a snack and go photograph for a couple of hours and then take a nap for an hour around noon. With the remaining time I relax, check my email, and check out a few frames. Other days I go to a local Wi-Fi spot and work on post processing for my website, customers, or Etsy shops: Frett Fine Art and Chaise Longue Gallery of Stacy Frett. I feel incredibly blessed with the day job that I have. I can even schedule shoots in between, but prefer those to be done on Saturdays or Sundays. I am typically busy with other projects as well. 
 Currently am working towards getting a project going with the young adults at Easter Seals in Paducah, KY Using Google Glass as a means of making photographic art. Check it out here: Project info and donation site: Make Art Possible and our Blog. If you have any questions or inquiries please feel free to call me at 270.227.0969 or email me at 
Thanks and have a great day! 
Stacy Frett 
Photographer, Artist, and Transit Driver 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What Do You See?!

Nothing like seeing a beautiful photograph of another person to mess with your own self-esteem. I have heard that people are getting plastic surgery to make their "selfies" better looking...that is sad. People like and buy "pretty". I myself am not immune to this. 

 Pictured above are two images. Both are me on different days. In the left one I am wearing a wig, make-up, sunglasses, and a smile. The one on the right is me. Just me, no additions sitting in a restaurant having a quiet lunch. I guarantee that the situation/experiance would be different if I was in the getup on the left. 

My main point in showing this is that people must pay attention to what they are seeing and not let themselves fall prey to the damage of self-esteem from not knowing how these are constructed. It is fun to look at these images, but don't forget what a real human being looks like.  

Stacy Frett
Photographer and Artist

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Latest Show Recent Works up Now!

I want to thank Arthur Hand for asking me to exhibit my photographs at his studio in Batavia, IL. This month. :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How I See The World Sometimes

My view of things is somewhat backward at times. This morning I took this photo because something in the back of my mind said do it. I always follow through and have yet to be let down. Some call it a gut feeling, an inkling, or a notion.

The resulting photograph is an abstract version of the American flag. I bumped up the color in Photoshop. The interesting thing is the original position. My brain took all this in and still was able to find a commen symbol out of this wooden structure. I love how our brains really assist in the creative process even when we are not conscious of it!

Abstract American Flag Photograph by Stacy Michelle Frett.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Make Art Possible!: Come See With Me

Check out this new blog entry from me about my current project : Make Art Possible!: Come See With Me: Over the years my art and photography have led me and others to some pretty interesting projects and shows. It is in working with others t...

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Get To Work!

"Make Art, Not Excuses" is a personal mantra that keeps me motivated to stay creative and get things done. I take a lot of photographs on a weekly basis. Since December 2013 I have shot about 10,000+ frames on one camera alone.

 My Canon EOS 70D is my primary camera for creative projects and day to day shooting. Am proud to say that my work has gotten some nice comments from Canon.

This really made me pleased to have them say that! I have been using their cameras since I first shot film on a Canon AE-1 way back when.

 Here is another recent comment from them

When I took these images it was funny in that I wasn't really in the mood to take them. In fact, I was actually fairly sick at the time.

 There are images that you must take or you will never have that chance again. Be it for purposes of Art or family memories, never second guess yourself.
 Get out there and take that photograph! Seriously, get to work. Second chances are rare. Go Make Some Art!

Self-portrait on a lazy day....

Stacy Michelle Frett
Photographer &
Mixed-media artist

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Cycle Continues..."NEXT" She Yelled!

Packed up recent solo show from the guild and now planning for the next solo show thanks to Art Hand at his studio/gallery in Batavia for July. Different work this time. Similar size though. Somewhere in there is the MAGPix Show to. It is nice to show my work again after all these years. So many to be thankful to and for: those that believed in me, those that didn't,  and those who had no idea what the hell my work was about. All of this reminded me to get back into what is my true calling and to use my gifts. I actually received a grant for the first one that I wrote in the arts. If that isn't passion, then I don't know what is and I am ever so soo happy and tired at the moment. If you missed the show: "Portrait Of A Woman" , then you can see it on

All photos shown were purchased as a result of this show. I also want thank them and all the people, who have collected my work over the years. It makes me very pleased to know that it is appreciated :)

Stacy Michelle Frett

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Portrait Of A Woman now online

Here is a link to the show "Portrait Of A Woman" that just finished up a month long exhibition at the Murray Art Guild :

This was accomplished with a grant from the Kentucky Foundation For Women and many other very wonderful people! Check it out and tell me what you think.

Stacy Frett

Monday, March 24, 2014

Looking Back On Twelve Years Ago With Appreciation and Fondness

Want to know what inspires me, where I come from and what I do, read this article from 2002. Not much about me or my work has changed. Perhaps I should say it has evolved. I still enjoy the oppurtunity to work with artists that have intellectual disabilities and in many mediums. I miss those days way back when, but things change. I have made Kentucky my home now. It is just nice to look back and remember the good times, people, and their impact on my life. For this show at the Arc Gallery, I shot a series of beautiful portraits where each artist is wearing their particular hat design. It looked great and I was so proud of the whole project. Somewhere I still have take a moment and have a read, even if they spelt my name wrong, which always happens to me...:)
Chicago Tribune:
Stacy Frett
Photographer and Mixed Media Artist

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Great News, 1rst Place in Photography for "Winter Wonderland"

Am pleased to announce that my photograph 'Winter Wonderland" won first place in digital photography category for this years Visual Evidence Regional Competition and Exhibition of work Sponsored By tHe Murray Art Guild. 

If you are interested in purchasing this work you can contact the Murray Art Guild at 270.762.4059 or you can purchase thru Etsy at I am only going to sell 50 prints at the three different sizes so get them while you can. I would like to thank the Leslie family for the photograph location, Debi Danielson at the Murray Art Guild for her constant support and belief in my work as well Art Hand, the photography teacher who gave me a great foundation in photography. 

If you wish to see more of my work, please feel free to go to my new website 

Thank you and have a great day!
Stacy Michelle Frett

Thursday, March 6, 2014