Wednesday, August 28, 2013

In The Toilet at the Murray Art Guild

Here at the Murray Art Guild is a new international show called "In The Toilet" that I was graciously allowed to curate by Debbi Danielson, Executive Director of the guild in Murray, KY.  She also designed the beautiful arrangement of flowers for the show. 

People who know me and my sense of humor didn't know what to think of this show. Now with it being set up, most of the skepticism has waned and have been met with many postive responses. Even some of the older members of the Murray Art Guild are promoting the show to visitors here. That means so much to me when other people are just as excited to tell others about this. It really has been an amazing time of it! Rick Mjos donated the vinyl lettering for the show. Basically there was no budget for the show and it was still able to fruition. People are so helpful here in the south I am coming to find out. So much diffenrent from the art atmosphere that I was used to in Chicago!

Local artists as well as some from as far as Singapore, Germany, and the Netherlands have contributed work. I am forever in the gratitude to the ladies of fPOE (Female Photographers of Etsy), who made a substantial contribution of work to this endeaver! The first entry in fact was from DK Miller (The Shutterbug Eye). She is a wonderful photographer and friend from long ago. You can find her work on Etsy, Through the Chicago Photography Center, and with The Artisan Group. There are many other talented artists to in this show as well.

Currently I am surprised by the submissions. There is a great deal of time and care that was taken by each artist. I was half expecting some crude or unusable images to be sent in. That ended up not being the case, people took thoughtful and funny images. I was told by one of the contributors, that she had been dreaming about toilets upon hearing about the show. What a compliment!

I am also very proud of the communtity photography group that I facilitate called MAGPix. Most of the members took the time to enter creative work. I had given them fair warning about what I was putting together and they gladly accepted the challenge. It was also my hope that more contributions would come from the other local photography groups. The Marshall County Photography Club had an entry by Phyllis Russell. It quite lovely! On a side note MAGPix Currently has work hanging at the local coffee shop called Fidalgo Bay.

If you have some extra time please stop by the Murray Art Guild and check out the show. it will be up till October 1st. I will then be putting it online for all the lovely people to view, who couldn't come to see the show in person! In case you are wondering, many of these works are for sale! Part of the sales will go to the Murray Art Guild and to the artists. Thank you and have a great day! 

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions about this or my other works in progress :) My current projects are listed to the right of this, but am always looking for new and interesting ones to be a part of.

Stacy Michelle Frett
Curator, Photographer, and Artist

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